Introduction - Piet Forton (German Edition)

Wow! Who would have expected it? The Flicking Fingers have done it again. Before now a team like this has not existed in Germany, or perhaps in any other part in the world, either. For some time, and in different places, the members of the group have committed themselves to reconsider and revive the "how to" in magic. This may only be comparable to ideas of the Spanish School in which they invited critic-instructed audiences to their performances in the 1960s.

Here in Germany, stemming from a common consensus, each member was given his own area of study. Thus everybody retains his own "uniqueness" while at the same time being a creative member of the group. One guy doesn't want to work, another plays the role of a "know it all," one is desperately trying to keep the group together, and another varies many forms of the Cups and Balls in splendid parodies. Every member plays along, each one has a de- fined role within the team and the whole show is given a frame through overlap- ping jokes and motifs between the acts.

Many ideas and forms of presentation, already tested under fire by single members, have been developed and improved within the group. Other ideas are purely a result of the combined group-effort, influencing the work of individual members outside the group. Each member is not only functioning within the group, but is also active in other smaller groups or as a solo-performer. Vernon’s "be yourself" is the inspira- tion for the basic concept: In mutual acknowledgment and esteem everybody respects the domain of his peers. Criticism is a form of collegial regard - they take each other seriously and weaknesses are pointed out.

Concerning this book, whose content fully originated from this special and somehow enviable collaboration, the following may be emphasized: Even though one chapter is devoted to ideas and tips in their development phase, meaning they are still open for improvements, one also finds routines that are performed regularly by their creators. These are not pipe dreams, but excellent fully-developed routines, tested and meant to be performed in the real world. Each contribution is new and, disregarding a few exceptions, haven't been published elsewhere.

A rich palette of magic is offered here,from the obligatory tricks with cards and coins to mental magic, from Cups and Balls and rubber bands to interesting theoretical essays. A lot of material has been examined and a strict process of selection applied. Only the best of the best was contributed by each member, and some combined efforts are included which have resulted from constructive and efficient teamwork over the last two and a half years. Dear readers, you are invited to a magical feast, not an ordinary one but a magical banquet including the best titbits by several young and talented cooks, prepared and served with their 100 flicking fingers:

Well then, gourmets, enjoy your meal!

Basel, Switzerland
March, 1997


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